Game of Thrones Character Power Rankings: After Season 7

Previously, in the Power Rankings…

Considering that the entire epic season was packed into 7 episode, it seemed fair to wait for the whole thing to play out before ranking each of following 60+ surviving characters.

For those new to the Power Rankings, these are based on each character’s significance on the show, power moves made, status and more importantly…safety.

1. The Night King

Night King S7

At this point, The Night King is exactly who everyone fears. He has an undead army that’s 100,000 strong (with giants, beasts, others like him on horseback). He has blue fire breathing dragon. And he just took down The Wall…If you currently live in the North, maybe reconsider.

2. Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen)

Jon Snow S7

AeJon (as I’m now referring to him, pronounced like Akon) is the rightful heir to the throne. He also is the key to Daenerys finding acceptance among the Northerners. Whether or not his standing in Winterfell changes, he’s currently the King of the North and he’s aligned (in more ways than one) with the Mother of Dragons. He also knows how to kill White Walkers.

3. Cersei Lannister

Cersei S7

Does she have anymore moves to make after burning her fake alliance and hiring The Golden Company? Outside of the literal nuclear option that she keeps under King’s Landing, not really. But when you play Tyrion like a fiddle all season long, leave the opposing faction to deal with Winter, and defy the odds of most Season 7 deadpools…You’ve earned the Throne you sit upon.

4. Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys S7

One “Dracarys” and it’s over for just about anyone, right? Jon has bent his knee to Daenerys, she has 2 dragons, two armies, and a “Dream Team” of advisors. So why do I rank her 4th?

Heading North, she needs Jon’s influence to win over the northern houses. Even Sansa sees Daenerys as an enemy and it will take some doing to convince her otherwise.

5. Sansa Stark

Sansa S7.gif

The Lady of Winterfell just took out one of the game’s most dangerous players, and with the support of her very powerful siblings. In Jon’s absence, Sansa has also won the favor of the houses pledged to hers. Conflict certainly awaits the King of the North and his dragon-riding lady friend.

6. Bran Stark

Bran: “I’m the Three Eyed Raven.”

Sam: “Oh…I don’t know what that is.”

It’s okay, Sam. Even we knew what it was and didn’t really get Bran’s deal. Bran knows more than anyone on the show, and knowledge is power (as we’ve seen with Varys and the newly departed Littlefinger.” However, Bran seems to pick and choose when it’s necessary to share what he knows…and sometimes it’s unnecessary (like Sansa’s wedding night to Ramsay). Still, he was the one person to know Jon’s true parentage and has the power to warg into ANYTHING. Fingers STILL CROSSED for a dragon.

7. Arya Stark

All 3 Stark siblings are lined up perfectly in this final ranking of the season because of what they showcased when they are all align. Sansa rules, Bran knows and Arya kills.

The Dexter Morgan of Westeros still has some work to do and now she has the support to get it done.

8. Drogon

Khaleesi’s favorite child can take out entire armies (as Jaime knows too well) and has so far survived 2 different spear attempts on his life. The battle will be epic when he has to face his undead brother fire and ice clash.

9. Zombie Viserion

Yes, the zombie dragon just took down the last thing that was keeping the White Walker army out of Westeros, but…the moment the Night King is taken out, so is Viserion.

10. Rhaegal

When will we see Jon ride Daenerys’ OTHER weapon of mass destruction? It’s hard to separate the 3rd lizard sibling from the pack, considering how important each one is to their respective side.

11. Euron Greyjoy

“The Joker” of Game of Thrones villains currently owns the season with his Ironborn fleet and it’s pretty next to Cersei, especially with Jaime out of his way. (Still not Cersei’s type, but he’ll take what he can get.)

12. Davos Seaworth

Davos has the adopted the role of Jon’s Hand at this point, and continues to be the king of one-liners. He is also still the calm voice of reason among several big personalities, and will be needed again when Jon and Daenerys head to Winterfell.

13. “The Hound” Sandor Clegane

Each character to survive “Beyond the Wall” should have a ton more respect points than they already had. They fended off hundreds of Wights and The Hound held is own as well as anyone. Finding his purpose is one thing, but having free will gives him the edge over his equally skilled zombie brother.

14. Qyburn

Hand of Cersei, weapons engineer and director of intelligence. One wonders when he sees fit to jump ship when the eventual Mad Queen finally loses it.

15. “The Mountain” Gregor Clegane

What The Mountain has over The Hound is zero consciousness for anything other than killing and protecting his queen. The Hound has relationships that may distract him in an upcoming “Clegane Bowl”, but at least he’s free to do as he pleases.

16. Bronn

Bronn may have the best situation of anyone. He is owed by the Lannisters and can remain with Cersei’s side if he pleases, but he also has Jaime, Tyrion and Podrick to vouch for him if need be.

17. Brienne of Tarth

Brienne didn’t have much of a role in Season 7 but she was exactly where she needed to be. She can finally fulfill her promise to Catelyn Stark and protect her daughters, but she also had the opportunity to reason with Jaime when it was most crucial. And who didn’t love seeing her act like a proud parent telling The Hound that Arya was alive?

18. Jorah Mormont

Jorah has been through a lot. He redeemed himself from exile from his queen, fought his way out of slavery, and survived grayscale. Back alongside Daenerys is where he wants to be. Will he also get back into the good graces of his House in the North?

19. Grey Worm

Daenerys’ top general pulled off an impressive win at Casterly Rock, but didn’t have much to do after that. To be honest, I thought Euron’s fleet had him cornered and that he could have been done for when we didn’t hear from him again. The commander of the Unsullied also has Missandei still glowing, so that’s worth a Top 20 spot in itself.

20. Lord Varys

Before the season began, Varys was in a position that was even more prominent than his counterpart, Littlefinger, after uniting Daenerys with Dorne and The Queen of Thorns. Both pieces fell off the board very early in the season and The Spider hadn’t contributed much since. I wouldn’t count him out when the diplomacy begins between Daenerys and the Northern houses. And, to be fair, he’s the only one whose main concern is for the people of Westeros…not those who rule them.

21. Tyrion Lannister

It’s fine. We can still love Tyrion. But wow did he get his ass kicked by his Lannister siblings. He’s still the Hand to the Mother of Dragons though, and can be reunited with his brother on the “right” side very soon.

22. Samwell Tarly

Sam essentially held the key (thanks to Gilly) to Jon’s destiny when he helped Bran discover the truth about the “new” dragon’s lineage. Being reunited with his best friend Frodo…I mean Jon…will be the best thing ever as well.

23. Yohn Royce

For a while, Yohn Royce seemed like a puppet to both Baelish and Robin Arryn, but the commander of the Vail army held his own in the final confrontation between Littlefinger and the Starks. With his lord being about as passive as Eeyore, Royce becomes Sansa’s most important supporter with the North’s biggest army at his command.

24. Archmaester Embrose

Maester Jim Broadbent knew exactly what he was doing by giving Sam the scrolls that coincidentally held the most important information in the entire story so far…

Well played, Broadbent. Well played.

25. Tycho Nestoris

Yes, this is basically Game of Thrones‘ Mycroft Holmes. And yes, he plays it very similarly. But wow did the Iron Bank make things much more interesting for Cersei…

26. Lyanna Mormont

We’re long overdue for another Lady Mormont verbal-smackdown, right? Looking forward to her eventual meeting with Ser Jorah.

27. Missandei

Who else is going to remember ALL of Daenerys’ titles when she meets the Stark siblings?

28. Gendry

The bastard of Robert is not only vital to helping produce dragon glass weapons in the upcoming great war, but he’s also THE FASTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. You saw those cross country skills in “Beyond the Wall.” Arya’s going to be so impressed.

29. Lord Commander Edd

The Night’s Watch may have taken a huge L for the wall coming down, but Dolorous Edd is still Lord Commander…and that matters to somebody. He also knows what it’s like facing the Night King and will probably be the next line of defense against his army.

30. Gilly

Gilly is BAE, and deserves way more credit from Sam…especially when she was the one that discovered the annulment info.

31. Jaime Lannister

Jaime will EVENTUALLY be much higher on this list, but for now…he’s in very dangerous territory. Brienne was his only protection when he last ventured the north on his own. “The North Remembers” the Red Wedding still and being a Lannister puts a big red target on his back. A Lannister always pays his debts, and joining Daenerys to fight Winter is exactly what he’s sworn to do…with some vouching from Tyrion and Brienne.

32. Qhono

How cool was it to finally see the Dothraki army in action against an enemy? It’s crazy that Qhono went from threatening to do terrible things to Daenerys with the khalasar, and is now her Dothraki general.

33. Jaqen H’ghar

The many faced god is now done with Arya and it’s fair to believe that everything she has done is according to Jaqen’s plan…

34. Melisandre

The Red Woman isn’t too shy to brag about bringing “Ice and Fire” together. She also seems to have gotten under Varys’ skin, and should be returning to see some things come to fruition in the final few episodes.

35. Kinvara

The Red Priestess should be returning to the story with Melisandre soon, and there’s a mysterious about her that I can’t wait to see unleashed.

36. Podrick Payne

When do we get a spinoff for Pod and Bronn adventures?

37. Theon Greyjoy

Well, now we know that kicking Theon below the belt gives him confidence…and he’s using that to go save his sister.

38. Ser Beric Dondarrion

Many of us are wondering if the flaming sword-wielding knight is still alive after the Wall came down. Like Tormund (below), I think we would have seen the 6-time returning character die much more dramatically than that.

39. Tormund Giantsbane

Tormund HAS to be alive. Because #Briemund HAS to happen.

40. Aeron Greyjoy

One wonders if Aeron will have anything to with Yara’s escape, or if he’ll just go along with everything Euron commands of him.

41. Daario Naharis

I don’t know how, but I can’t imagine Daenerys will go up against both the Night King and Cersei without the help of the leader of the Second Sons…especially when another sell-sword company is joining the fight.

42. Robin Arryn

Only thing odder than watching Bran grow up is watching watching Robin Arryn grow up. Unsure if he’s matured at all, but he does have the North’s biggest army pledged to him.

43. Robett Glover

Always a heel in Northern “committee” meetings, but at least he’s been more outspoken than his fellow lords.

44. Wyman Manderly

We haven’t heard from Wyman since he began the “King of the North” chant at the end of Season 6. Still think he has Jon’s back when he returns.

45. Cley Cerwyn

Not really a factor in season, but likely valuable when needing to unite the North for Daenerys and Jon.

46. Meera Reed

You have to feel bad for Meera after getting the literal cold shoulder from Emo Bran. But at least she’s home. Her experience against the Night King should come into play, as well has her father’s relationship with Ned.

47. Alys Karstark

The Karstark and Umber lords have to keep a look out for the other northerners, no thanks to their kin who aligned with the Boltons. But they are still lords with influence.

48. Ned Umber


49. Maester Wolkan

Probable the most confused Maester on the show. He’s had to help the Boltons, Littlefinger, and now the Starks.

50. Melessa Tarly

Now the Lady of Horn Hill.

51. Talla Tarly

How pissed is she that Gilly stole her dress?

52. Hot Pie

Alive and happy baking.

53. Baby Sam

Shockingly, growing up way quicker than Judith on Walking Dead. And was born after her…?

54. Bernadette

If you don’t know who Bernadette is, she has lasted as long as anyone in King’s Landing. More here.

55. Marei

One of Qyburn’s “Birds” that helped kill Maester Pycelle, and I don’t think she’s done.

56. Ghost


57. Nymeria

I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Arya’s direwolf, which weirdly shares the same name as one of the late Sand Snakes.

58. Yezzan zo Qaggaz

Still happy to not have been killed, unlike his fellow “Masters”.

59. Edmure Tully

Did anyone ever let Edmure out of his cell after Arya butchered the Freys?

60. Yara Greyjoy

If there’s anything worse than being Euron Greyjoy’s prisoner…

61. Septa Unella

…it’s being Cersei Lannister’s prisoner…

62. Ellaria Sand

…and Ellaria has it the worst.

Anyone ranked too high or too low? Let me know on Twitter at @Mike_Piff03. If you haven’t yet, subscribe to the Nerds in Sports Podcast to hear week-to-week recaps of each Thrones episode!


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